Color handling

class sdl2.ext.Color(r=255, g=255, b=255, a=255)

A simple RGBA-based color implementation. The Color class uses a byte-wise representation of the 4 channels red, green, blue and alpha transparency, so that the values range from 0 to 255. It allows basic arithmetic operations, e.g. color addition or subtraction and conversions to other color spaces such as HSV or CMY.


The red channel value of the Color.


The green channel value of the Color.


The blue channel value of the Color.


The alpha channel value of the Color.


The CMY representation of the Color. The CMY components are in the ranges C = [0, 1], M = [0, 1], Y = [0, 1]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact CMY values for the set RGB values in all cases. Due to the RGB mapping from 0-255 and the CMY mapping from 0-1 rounding errors may cause the CMY values to differ slightly from what you might expect.


The HSLA representation of the Color. The HSLA components are in the ranges H = [0, 360], S = [0, 100], L = [0, 100], A = [0, 100]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact HSL values for the set RGB values in all cases. Due to the RGB mapping from 0-255 and the HSL mapping from 0-100 and 0-360 rounding errors may cause the HSL values to differ slightly from what you might expect.


The HSVA representation of the Color. The HSVA components are in the ranges H = [0, 360], S = [0, 100], V = [0, 100], A = [0, 100]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact HSV values for the set RGB values in all cases. Due to the RGB mapping from 0-255 and the HSV mapping from 0-100 and 0-360 rounding errors may cause the HSV values to differ slightly from what you might expect.


The I1I2I3 representation of the Color. The I1I2I3 components are in the ranges I1 = [0, 1], I2 = [-0.5, 0.5], I3 = [-0.5, 0.5]. Note that this will not return the absolutely exact I1I2I3 values for the set RGB values in all cases. Due to the RGB mapping from 0-255 and the I1I2I3 from 0-1 rounding errors may cause the I1I2I3 values to differ slightly from what you might expect.

normalize() -> (float, float, float, float)

Returns the normalised RGBA values of the Color as floating point values in the range [0, 1].

__add__(self, color) → Color
__sub__(self, color) → Color
__mul__(self, color) → Color
__div__(self, color) → Color
__truediv__(self, color) → Color
__mod__(self, color) → Color

Basic arithmetic functions for Color values. The arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, % are supported by the Color class and work on a per-channel basis. This means, that the operation

color = color1 + color2

is the same as

color = Color()
color.r = min(color1.r + color2.r, 255)
color.g = min(color1.g + color2.g, 255)

The operations guarantee that the channel values stay in the allowed range of [0, 255].

sdl2.ext.argb_to_color(v : int) → Color
sdl2.ext.ARGB(v : int) → Color

Converts an integer value to a Color, assuming the integer represents a 32-bit ARGB value.

sdl2.ext.convert_to_color(v : object) → Color
sdl2.ext.COLOR(v : object) → Color

Tries to convert the passed value to a Color object. The value can be an arbitrary Python object, which is passed to the different other conversion functions. If one of them succeeds, the Color will be returned to the caller. If none succeeds, a ValueError will be raised.

If the color is an integer value, it is assumed to be in ARGB layout.

sdl2.ext.rgba_to_color(v : int) → Color
sdl2.ext.RGBA(v : int) → Color

Converts an integer value to a Color, assuming the integer represents a 32-bit RGBA value.

sdl2.ext.is_rgb_color(v : object) → bool

Checks, if the passed value is an item that could be converted to a RGB color.

sdl2.ext.is_rgba_color(v : object) → bool

Checks, if the passed value is an item that could be converted to a RGBA color.

sdl2.ext.string_to_color(v : string) → Color

Converts a hex color string or color name to a Color value. Supported hex values are:

  • #RGB
  • #RGBA
  • 0xRGB
  • 0xRGBA
  • 0xRRGGBB