sdl2.ext.compat - Python compatibility helpers

The sdl2.ext.compat module is for internal purposes of the sdl2 package and should not be used outside of the package. Classes, methods and interfaces might change between versions and there is no guarantee of API compatibility on different platforms and python implementations or between releases.


True, if executed in a Python 2.x compatible interpreter, False otherwise.


True, if executed in a Python 3.x compatible interpreter, False otherwise.

sdl2.ext.compat.long([x[, base]])


Only defined for Python 3.x, for which it is the same as int().



Only defined for Python 3.x, for which it is the same as chr().

sdl2.ext.compat.unicode(string[, encoding[, errors]])


Only defined for Python 3.x, for which it is the same as str().

sdl2.ext.compat.callable(x) → bool


Only defined for Python 3.x, for which it is the same as isinstance(x, collections.Callable)

sdl2.ext.compat.byteify(x : string, enc : string) → bytes

Converts a string to a bytes() object.

sdl2.ext.compat.stringify(x : bytes, enc : string) → string

Converts a bytes() to a string object.

sdl2.ext.compat.isiterable(x) → bool

Shortcut for isinstance(x, collections.Iterable).

sdl2.ext.compat.platform_is_64bit() → bool

Checks, if the interpreter is 64-bit capable.


A simple decorator to mark functions and methods as deprecated. This will print a deprecation message each time the function or method is invoked.

sdl2.ext.compat.deprecation(message : string) → None

Prints a deprecation message using the warnings.warn() function.

exception sdl2.ext.compat.UnsupportedError(obj : object[, msg=None])

Indicates that a certain class, function or behaviour is not supported in the specific execution environment.


A simple decorator to mark functions and methods as experimental. This will print a warning each time the function or method is invoked.

exception sdl2.ext.compat.ExperimentalWarning(obj : object[, msg=None])

Indicates that a certain class, function or behaviour is in an experimental state.