Source code for sdl2.ext.ttf

import os
import re
from ctypes import c_int, byref
from .. import surface, pixels, rwops, rect
from .compat import byteify, stringify, utf8, _is_text
from .err import raise_sdl_err
from .color import Color, convert_to_color
from .draw import prepare_color
from .resources import _validate_path
from .surface import _create_surface

    from .. import sdlttf
except ImportError:
    _HASSDLTTF = False

__all__ = ["FontTTF", "FontManager"]

# This module variable keeps track of the number of separate times SDL_ttf has
# been initialized. This is important to keep track of, since de-initializing
# the library frees all associated font data, so we want to make sure this
# hasn't changed during the lifetime of an object to avoid segfaults.
_ttf_init_count = 0

def _ttf_init():
    global _ttf_init_count
    if not _HASSDLTTF:
        raise RuntimeError("SDL_ttf is required, but is not installed.")

    # Check if TTF already initialized, return immediately if it was
    if sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() > 0:
        return _ttf_init_count

    # Handle a weirdness in how TTF_Init and TTF_Quit work: TTF_Init
    # blindly increments TTF_WasInit every time it's called and TTF_Quit
    # blindly decrements it, but TTF_Quit only *actually* quits when 
    # TTF_WasInit - 1 == 0. Here, we try to ensure we're starting at 0.
    while sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() < 1:
        ret = sdlttf.TTF_Init()
        if ret != 0:
            raise_sdl_err("initializing the SDL_ttf library")

    # If initialized successfully, update and return the global init count
    _ttf_init_count += 1
    return _ttf_init_count

def _ttf_quit():
    if not _HASSDLTTF:
        raise RuntimeError("SDL_ttf is required, but is not installed.")

    # Make sure WasInit is non-negative before trying to quit
    while sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() < 1:
        ret = sdlttf.TTF_Init()
        if ret != 0:
            raise_sdl_err("initializing the SDL_ttf library")

    # Actually quit the library (won't really quit until TTF_WasInit == 0)
    while sdlttf.TTF_WasInit > 0:

def _is_whitespace(s):
    ws_chars = [" ", "\n", "\t", "\r"]
    return len(s) == 0 or all([c in ws_chars for c in s])

def _split_on_whitespace(line):
    # Splits a string on whitespace starts without removing the whitespace
    words = []
    current_word = ""
    for s in re.split(r'(\s+)', line):
        current_word += s
        if not _is_whitespace(s):
            current_word = ""
    return words

[docs]class FontTTF(object): """A class for rendering text with a given TrueType font. This class loads a TrueType or OpenType font using the **SDL_ttf** library and allows the user to render text with it in various sizes and colors. To simplify rendering text with different font sizes and colors, this class allows users to define font styles (e.g. 'instructions', 'error', 'title', etc.) using :meth:`add_style`, which can then be used by name with the :meth:`render_text` method. By default, the :class:`FontTTF` class defines font sizes in points (pt), a common unit of font size used by many libraries and text editors. However, you can also define font sizes in units of *pixel height* (px), i.e. the ascent height of the font's tallest alphanumeric ASCII character. This is done by calculating each font's px-to-pt scaling factor on import, meaning that some rounding error may occur. If using a font that does not include all alphanumeric ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) or wanting to scale the maximum pixel height to a different subset of characters (e.g. just 0-9 digits), you will need to specifiy a custom 'height_chars' string when creating the font object. .. note:: If loading a font from an SDL RWops file object, you must not free the file object until you are done with the font. Otherwise, SDL_ttf will try to render with a closed font and hard-crash Python. Args: font (str or :obj:`SDL_RWops`): The relative (or absolute) path to the font to load, or an SDL file object containing the font data. size (int or str): The default size for the font, either as an integer (assumed to be in pt) or as a string specifying the unit of size (e.g. '12pt' or '22px'). color (~sdl2.ext.Color or tuple): The default color to use for rendering text. Defaults to white if not specified. index (int, optional): The index of the font face to load if the font file contains multiple faces. Defaults to 0 (first face in the file) if not specified. height_chars (str, optional): The set of font characters to use for calculating the maximum height (in pixels) of the font for """ def __init__(self, font, size, color, index=0, height_chars=None): # Load the font, either from a file or an SDL file object if isinstance(font, rwops.SDL_RWops): fname = None self._font_file = None self._font_rw = font elif _is_text(font): fullpath, fname = _validate_path(font, "a font") fullpath = byteify(fullpath) self._font_file = open(fullpath, "rb") self._font_rw = rwops.rw_from_object(self._font_file) else: e = "'font' must be a path string or an SDL file object (got {0})." raise ValueError(e.format(type(font).__str__)) # Initialize the TTF library (if not already initialized) self._ttf_init_count = _ttf_init() self._index = index # Get the px-to-pt scaling factor for the font if not height_chars: caps = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" height_chars = caps + caps.lower() + "0123456789" self._scale_factor = self._get_scale_factor(height_chars, fname) # Initialize font styles and add the default style self._styles = {} self.add_style("default", size, color) def _check_if_closed(self): # Makes sure the font hasn't been closed, raising an exception if it has ttf_was_closed = _ttf_init_count > self._ttf_init_count if self._font_rw == None: e = "The font has been closed and can no longer be used." raise RuntimeError(e) elif sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() < 1 or ttf_was_closed: e = "The SDL_ttf library has been de-initialized since creating the " e += "font. The font can no longer be used." raise RuntimeError(e) def _get_scale_factor(self, testchars, fname): # Calculate the pt -> px conversion factor for the current font. tmpsize = 40 # Font size in pt at which to calculate pt -> px scale factor max_ascent = 0 minX, maxX, minY, maxY = c_int(0), c_int(0), c_int(0), c_int(0) advance = c_int(0) tmpfont = sdlttf.TTF_OpenFontIndexRW(self._font_rw, 0, tmpsize, self._index) if not tmpfont: e = "initializing the font" if fname: e += " '{0}'".format(fname) raise_sdl_err(e) for char in testchars: if sdlttf.TTF_GlyphIsProvided(tmpfont, ord(char)) == 0: e = "The current font does not provide a glyph for character " e += "'{0}'. Please initialize the font with a different " e += "'height_chars' string." sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(tmpfont) raise RuntimeError(e.format(char.encode('utf-8'))) sdlttf.TTF_GlyphMetrics( tmpfont, ord(char), byref(minX), byref(maxX), byref(minY), byref(maxY), byref(advance) ) if maxY.value > max_ascent: max_ascent = maxY.value sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(tmpfont) return tmpsize / float(max_ascent) def _parse_size(self, size): # Parse and validate a font size, which can be an int or a string if isinstance(size, str): if '-' in size or '.' in size: e = "Font size must be a positive whole number (got '{0}')." raise ValueError(e.format(size)) sz = "".join([i for i in size if i.isdigit()]) unit = size[len(sz):] sz = int(sz) if unit == "px": sz = int(sz * self._scale_factor) elif unit not in ["pt", "px"]: e = "Font size units must be either 'pt' or 'px' (got '{0}')." raise ValueError(e.format(unit)) else: sz = int(size) return sz def _parse_line_height(self, height, default_skip): if height is None: h = default_skip elif isinstance(height, str): # If line height specified as a percentage of the default line skip if height[-1] == "%": pct = float(height[:-1]) if not pct > 0: e = "Relative line heights must be greater than 0% (got '{0}')." raise ValueError(e.format(height)) h = int(default_skip * (pct / 100.0)) # If line height specified explicitly in pixels elif height[-2:] == "px": if '-' in height or '.' in height: e = "Line height must be a positive whole number (got '{0}')." raise ValueError(e.format(height)) h = int("".join([i for i in height if i.isdigit()])) else: e = "Line height units must be either 'px' or '%' (got '{0}')." raise ValueError(e.format(height)) else: # If numeric, assume pixels if height != int(height) or height < 1: e = "Line height must be a positive integer (got {0})." raise ValueError(e.format(height)) h = int(height) return max(h, 1) def _get_line_size(self, line, style): # Get the height and width of a given line of text in a given style font = self._styles[style]['font'] if len(line) == 0: return (0, sdlttf.TTF_FontHeight(font)) lw, lh = c_int(0), c_int(0) ret = sdlttf.TTF_SizeUTF8(font, byteify(line), byref(lw), byref(lh)) if ret != 0: raise_sdl_err("rendering text with the '{0}' style".format(style)) return (lw.value, lh.value) def _wrap_line(self, line, style, line_width, width): # Splits a single line of text into separate lines in order to fit # within a given width with a given text style lines = [] while line_width > width: # First, estimate the position of the wrap word and move to the # end of it pos = int((width / float(line_width)) * len(line)) words = _split_on_whitespace(line) for i in range(len(words)): split_word = i + 1 segment = "".join(words[:split_word]) if len(segment) >= pos and len(segment) < len(line): pos = len(segment) break # Then, work backwards until the line fits within the width segment_w = self._get_line_size(segment, style)[0] while segment_w > width: if split_word > 1: split_word -= 1 segment = "".join(words[:split_word]) pos = len(segment) elif pos > 1: pos -= 1 segment = segment[:pos] else: e = "Character '{0}' exceeds maximum width of text" raise RuntimeError(e.format(line[0])) segment_w = self._get_line_size(segment, style)[0] # Append the trimmed line & remove the text from the line, then # recalculate the width of the remaining text to see if it fits lines.append(segment) line = line[pos:].lstrip() line_width = self._get_line_size(line, style)[0] lines.append(line) return lines def _split_lines(self, text, style, width=None): # Splits one or more lines of text to ensure they all fit within a given # width (in pixels) when rendered with a given text style unwrapped_lines = text.split("\n") if width is None: return unwrapped_lines lines = [] for line in unwrapped_lines: lw = self._get_line_size(line, style)[0] if lw > width: # If line is too long and contains trailing whitespace, try w/o if len(line) < len(line.rstrip()): line = line.rstrip() lw = self._get_line_size(line, style)[0] # If line width exceeds wrap width, we break it into smaller lines lines += self._wrap_line(line, style, lw, width) else: lines.append(line) return lines def _render_lines(self, lines, style, line_h, width, align): # Renders one or more lines of text to an SDL surface, optionally with # a custom line height, wrap width, and/or text alignment font = self._styles[style]['font'] color = self._styles[style]['color'] bg_col = self._styles[style]['bg'] if not bg_col: c = color bg_col = (c.r, c.g, c.b, 0) # Default bg = font color w/ full transparency # Actually render the text rendered = [] for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: rendered.append(None) continue fontsf = sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, byteify(line), color) if not fontsf: raise_sdl_err("rendering text with the '{0}' style".format(style)) rendered.append(fontsf) # If single line of text w/ no background fill or custom width, return as-is if len(rendered) == 1 and width == None and bg_col is None: return rendered[0] # Determine height and width of background surface font_height = sdlttf.TTF_FontHeight(font) default_skip = sdlttf.TTF_FontLineSkip(font) line_h = self._parse_line_height(line_h, default_skip) height = line_h * (len(lines) - 1) + font_height if width == None: width = max([line.contents.w for line in rendered if line]) # Create background surface for the text and render lines to it sf = _create_surface((width, height), bg_col, errname="background") line_y = 0 for line in rendered: if line: lw, lh = (line.contents.w, line.contents.h) if align == "left": line_x = 0 elif align == "center": line_x = int((width - lw) / 2) elif align == "right": line_x = width - lw line_rect = rect.SDL_Rect(line_x, line_y, lw, lh) surface.SDL_BlitSurface(line, None, sf, line_rect) surface.SDL_FreeSurface(line) line_y += line_h return sf
[docs] def get_ttf_font(self, style='default'): """Returns the base :obj:`~sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_Font` for a given font style. This method provides access to the base ctypes object for each font style so that they can be used with the full set of :mod:`~sdl2.sdlttf` functions. Args: style (str, optional): The font style for which the base ctypes font object will be retrieved. Defaults to the 'default' style if not specified. Returns: :obj:`~sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_Font`: The base ctypes font for the style. """ self._check_if_closed() if style not in self._styles.keys(): e = "The '{0}' style is not defined for the current font." raise ValueError(e.format(style)) return self._styles[style]['font'].contents
[docs] def add_style(self, name, size, color, bg_color=None): """Defines a named font style for the current font. Currently, a font style defines a font size, color, and background color combination to use for rendering text. Additional style attributes may be added in future releases. Args: name (str): The name of the new font style (e.g. 'title'). size (int or str): The font size for the style, either as an integer (assumed to be in pt) or as a string specifying the unit of size (e.g. '12pt' or '22px'). color (~sdl2.ext.Color): The font color for the style. bg_color (~sdl2.ext.Color, optional): The background surface color for the style. Defaults to a fully-transparent background if not specified. """ # Preprocess and validate style values self._check_if_closed() if name in self._styles.keys(): e = "A style named '{0}' is already defined for the current font." raise ValueError(e.format(name)) size_pt = self._parse_size(size) if size_pt < 1: e = "Font size must be at least 1pt, got {0} (specified as '{1}')" raise ValueError(e.format(size_pt, size)) c = convert_to_color(color) if bg_color is not None: bg_color = convert_to_color(bg_color) # Actually create font object for style rwops.SDL_RWseek(self._font_rw, 0, rwops.RW_SEEK_SET) font = sdlttf.TTF_OpenFontIndexRW(self._font_rw, 0, size_pt, self._index) if not font: raise_sdl_err("initializing the '{0}' font style".format(name)) self._styles[name] = { 'font': font, 'size': size_pt, 'color': pixels.SDL_Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a), 'bg': bg_color }
[docs] def render_text(self, text, style='default', line_h=None, width=None, align='left'): """Renders a string of text to a new surface. If a newline character (``\\n``) is encountered in the string, it will be rendered as a line break in the rendered text. Additionally, if a surface width is specified, any lines of text that exceed the width of the surface will be wrapped. Multi-line text can be left-aligned (the default), right-aligned, or centered, and the spacing between lines can be modified using the `line_h` argument. Line heights can be specified in pixels (e.g. ``20`` or ``'20px'``) or as percentages of the TTF-suggested line spacing for the font (e.g. ``'150%'``). Args: text (str): The string of text to render to the target surface. style (str, optional): The font style with which to render the given string. Defaults to the 'default' style if not specified. line_h (int or str, optional): The line height to use for each line of the rendered text, either in pixels or as a percentage of the font's suggested line height. If not specified, the suggested line height for the font will be used. width (int, optional): The width (in pixels) of the output surface. If a line of text exceeds this value, it will be automatically wrapped to fit within the specified width. Defaults to ``None``. align (str, optional): The alignment of lines of text for multi-line strings. Can be 'left' (left-aligned), 'right' (right-aligned), or 'center' (centered). Defaults to 'left'. Returns: :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Surface`: A 32-bit ARGB surface containing the rendered text. """ self._check_if_closed() if len(text) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot render an empty string.") if style not in self._styles.keys(): e = "The '{0}' style is not defined for the current font." raise ValueError(e.format(style)) if align not in ["left", "right", "center"]: e = "Text alignment mode must be 'left', 'right', or 'center'." raise ValueError(e) # Actually render the text lines = self._split_lines(utf8(text), style, width) sf = self._render_lines(lines, style, line_h, width, align) return sf.contents
[docs] def close(self): """Cleanly closes the font and frees all associated memory. This method should be called when you are finished with the font to free the resources taken up by the font and its styles. Once this method has been called, the font can no longer be used. """ ttf_was_closed = _ttf_init_count > self._ttf_init_count if self._font_rw != None: if sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() > 0 and not ttf_was_closed: for name, style in self._styles.items(): sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(style['font']) self._styles = None if self._font_file: rwops.SDL_RWclose(self._font_rw) self._font_rw = None self._font_file = None
[docs] def contains(self, c): """Checks whether a given character exists within the font. Args: c (str): The glpyh (i.e. character) to check for within the font. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the font contains the glpyh, otherwise ``False``. """ self._check_if_closed() font = self._styles['default']['font'] return sdlttf.TTF_GlyphIsProvided(font, ord(c)) != 0
@property def family_name(self): """str: The family name (e.g. "Helvetica") of the loaded font. """ self._check_if_closed() name = sdlttf.TTF_FontFaceFamilyName(self._styles['default']['font']) return stringify(name) if name else None @property def style_name(self): """str: The style name (e.g. "Bold") of the loaded font. """ self._check_if_closed() name = sdlttf.TTF_FontFaceStyleName(self._styles['default']['font']) return stringify(name) if name else None @property def is_fixed_width(self): """bool: Whether the current font face is fixed-width (i.e. monospaced). If ``True``, all characters in the current font have the same width. """ self._check_if_closed() font = self._styles['default']['font'] return sdlttf.TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth(font) != 0
[docs]class FontManager(object): """A class for managing and rendering TrueType fonts. .. note:: This class is has been deprecated in favor of the more flexible :class:`~sdl2.ext.FontTTF` class. This class provides a basic wrapper around the SDL_ttf library. One font path must be given to initialise the FontManager. The first face is always at index 0. It can be used for TTC (TrueType Font Collection) fonts. Args: font_path (str): The relative (or absolute) path to the font to load. alias (str, optional): The name to give the font within the FontManager. Defaults to the font filename if not specified. size (int, optional): The size (in pt) at which to load the default font. Defaults to 16pt if not specified. color (~sdl2.ext.Color): The default font rendering color. Defaults to opaque white if not specified. bg_color (~sdl2.ext.Color, optional): The default background surface color. Defaults to a fully-transparent background if not specified. index (int, optional): The index of the font face to load if the font file contains multiple faces. Defaults to 0 (first face in the file) if not specified. Attributes: size (int): The default font size in pt. """ def __init__(self, font_path, alias=None, size=16, color=Color(255, 255, 255), bg_color=Color(0, 0, 0), index=0): self._ttf_init_count = 0 self._ttf_init_count = _ttf_init() self.fonts = {} # fonts = {alias: {size:font_ptr}} self.aliases = {} # aliases = {alias:font_path} self._textcolor = None self._bgcolor = None self.color = color self.bg_color = bg_color self.size = size self._default_font = self.add(font_path, alias, size, index) def __del__(self): """Close all opened fonts.""" self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Closes all fonts opened by the class.""" ttf_was_closed = _ttf_init_count > self._ttf_init_count if sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() > 0 and not ttf_was_closed: for alias, fonts in self.fonts.items(): for size, font in fonts.items(): if font: sdlttf.TTF_CloseFont(font) self.fonts = {} self.aliases = {}
[docs] def add(self, font_path, alias=None, size=None, index=0): """Adds a font to the :class:`FontManager`. Args: font_path (str): The relative (or absolute) path to the font to load. alias (str, optional): The name to give the font within the FontManager. Defaults to the font filename if not specified. size (int, optional): The size (in pt) at which to load the font. Defaults to the FontManager's default size if not specified. index (int, optional): The index of the font face to load if the font file contains multiple faces. Defaults to 0 (first face in the file) if not specified. Returns: :obj:`~sdl2.sdlttf.TTF_Font`: A pointer to the ctypes font object for the added font. """ size = size or self.size if alias is None: # If no alias given, take the font name as alias basename = os.path.basename(font_path) alias = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if alias in self.fonts: if size in self.fonts[alias] and self.fonts[alias]: # font with selected size already opened return else: self._change_font_size(alias, size) return else: if not os.path.isfile(font_path): raise IOError("Cannot find %s" % font_path) font = self._load_font(font_path, size, index) self.aliases[alias] = font_path self.fonts[alias] = {} self.fonts[alias][size] = font return font
def _load_font(self, font_path, size, index=0): """Helper function to open the font. Raises an exception if something went wrong. """ fullpath, fname = _validate_path(font_path, "a font") fullpath = byteify(fullpath) font = sdlttf.TTF_OpenFontIndex(fullpath, size, index) if not font: raise_sdl_err("opening the font '{0}'".format(fname)) return font def _change_font_size(self, alias, size): """Loads an already opened font in another size.""" if alias not in self.fonts: raise KeyError("Font %s not loaded in FontManager" % alias) font = self._load_font(self.aliases[alias], size) self.fonts[alias][size] = font @property def color(self): """:obj:`~sdl2.ext.Color`: The color to use for rendering text.""" c = self._textcolor return Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) @color.setter def color(self, value): c = convert_to_color(value) self._textcolor = pixels.SDL_Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) @property def bg_color(self): """:obj:`~sdl2.ext.Color`: The background color to use for rendering.""" c = self._bgcolor return Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) @bg_color.setter def bg_color(self, value): c = convert_to_color(value) self._bgcolor = pixels.SDL_Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) @property def default_font(self): """str: The name of the default font. Must be set to the alias of a currently-loaded font. """ for alias in self.fonts: for size, font in self.fonts[alias].items(): if font == self._default_font: return alias @default_font.setter def default_font(self, value): alias = value size = self.size if alias not in self.fonts: raise ValueError("Font %s not loaded in FontManager" % alias) # Check if size is already loaded, otherwise do it. if size not in self.fonts[alias]: self._change_font_size(alias, size) size = list(self.fonts[alias].keys())[0] self._default_font = self.fonts[alias][size]
[docs] def render(self, text, alias=None, size=None, width=None, color=None, bg_color=None, **kwargs): """Renders text to a surface. Args: text (str): The text to render. alias (str, optional): The alias of the font to use for rendering the text. Defaults to the FontManager's default font if not specified. size (int, optional): The size (in pt) at which to render the font. Defaults to the FontManager's default size if not specified. width (int, optional): The width (in pixels) of the output surface. If a line of text exceeds this value, it will be automatically wrapped to fit within the specified width. Defaults to ``None``. color (~sdl2.ext.Color): The font rendering color. Defaults to the FontManager's default color if not specified. bg_color (~sdl2.ext.Color, optional): The background surface color. Defaults to the FontManager's default background color if not specified. Returns: :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Surface`: A 32-bit ARGB surface containing the rendered text. """ alias = alias or self.default_font size = size or self.size if bg_color is None: bg_color = self._bgcolor elif not isinstance(bg_color, pixels.SDL_Color): c = convert_to_color(bg_color) bg_color = pixels.SDL_Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) if color is None: color = self._textcolor elif not isinstance(color, pixels.SDL_Color): c = convert_to_color(color) color = pixels.SDL_Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) if len(self.fonts) == 0: raise TypeError("There are no fonts selected.") font = self._default_font if alias not in self.aliases: raise KeyError("Font %s not loaded" % font) elif size not in self.fonts[alias]: self._change_font_size(alias, size) font = self.fonts[alias][size] text = byteify(text, "utf-8") if width: fontsf = sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended_Wrapped(font, text, color, width) if not fontsf: raise_sdl_err("rendering the text") if bg_color != pixels.SDL_Color(0, 0, 0): fontsf = fontsf.contents w, h = fontsf.w, fontsf.h bpp = fontsf.format.contents.BitsPerPixel fmt = fontsf.format.contents.format bgsf = surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, w, h, bpp, fmt) if not bgsf: surface.SDL_FreeSurface(fontsf) raise_sdl_err("creating the background surface") bg_color = prepare_color(bg_color, bgsf.contents) surface.SDL_FillRect(bgsf, None, bg_color) surface.SDL_BlitSurface(fontsf, None, bgsf, None) return bgsf.contents return fontsf.contents sf = None if bg_color == pixels.SDL_Color(0, 0, 0): sf = sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, text, color) else: sf = sdlttf.TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font, text, color, bg_color) if not sf: raise_sdl_err("rendering the text") return sf.contents