Source code for sdl2.ext.draw

import ctypes
from .compat import isiterable, UnsupportedError
from .err import raise_sdl_err
from .array import to_ctypes
from .color import convert_to_color
from .. import surface, pixels, rect
from .algorithms import clipline
from .surface import _get_target_surface

__all__ = ["prepare_color", "fill", "line"]

[docs]def prepare_color(color, target): """Prepares a given color for a specific target. Targets can be :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_PixelFormat`, :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Surface`, or :obj:`~sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite` objects. Colors can be provided in any form supported by :func:`sdl2.ext.convert_to_color`. Args: color (:obj:`sdl2.ext.Color`): The color to prepare for the pixel format of the given target. target (:obj:`SDL_PixelFormat`, :obj:`SDL_Surface`, :obj:`SoftwareSprite`): The target pixel format, surface, or sprite for which the color should be prepared. Returns: int: An integer approximating the given color in the target's pixel format. """ color = convert_to_color(color) pformat = None # Software surfaces if isinstance(target, pixels.SDL_PixelFormat): pformat = target else: surf = _get_target_surface(target) pformat = surf.format.contents if pformat.Amask != 0: # Target has an alpha mask return pixels.SDL_MapRGBA(pformat, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) return pixels.SDL_MapRGB(pformat, color.r, color.g, color.b)
[docs]def fill(target, color, area=None): """Fills one or more rectangular areas on a surface with a given color. Fill areas can be specified as 4-item ``(x, y, w, h)`` tuples, :obj:`~sdl2.rect.SDL_Rect` objects, or a list containing multiple areas to fill in either format. If no area is provided, the entire target will be filled with the provided color. The fill color can be provided in any format supported by :func:`~sdl2.ext.color.convert_to_color`. Args: target (:obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Surface`, :obj:`~sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite`): The target surface or sprite to modify. color (:obj:`sdl2.ext.Color`): The color with which to fill the specified region(s) of the target. area (tuple, :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Rect`, list, optional): The rectangular region (or regions) of the target surface to fill with the given colour. If no regions are specified (the default), the whole surface of the target will be filled. """ color = prepare_color(color, target) rtarget = _get_target_surface(target) err_msg = ( "Fill areas must be specified as either (x, y, w, h) tuples or " "SDL_Rect objects (Got unsupported format '{0}')" ) rects = [] if area: if not isiterable(area) or not isiterable(area[0]): area = [area] for r in area: if isinstance(r, rect.SDL_Rect): rects.append(r) else: try: new_rect = rect.SDL_Rect( int(r[0]), int(r[1]), int(r[2]), int(r[3]) ) rects.append(new_rect) except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError): raise ValueError(err_msg.format(str(r))) if len(rects) > 2: rects, count = to_ctypes(rects, rect.SDL_Rect) rects = ctypes.cast(rects, ctypes.POINTER(rect.SDL_Rect)) ret = surface.SDL_FillRects(rtarget, rects, count, color) elif len(rects) == 1: ret = surface.SDL_FillRect(rtarget, rects[0], color) else: ret = surface.SDL_FillRect(rtarget, None, color) if ret < 0: raise_sdl_err("filling the surface")
[docs]def line(target, color, dline, width=1): """Draws one or lines on a surface in a given color. The fill color can be provided in any format supported by :func:`~sdl2.ext.color.convert_to_color`. Args: target (:obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Surface`, :obj:`~sdl2.ext.SoftwareSprite`): The target surface or sprite to modify. color (:obj:`sdl2.ext.Color`): The color with which to draw lines. dline (tuple, list): The ``(x1, y1, x2, y2)`` integer coordinates of a line to draw, or a list of multiple sets of ``(x1, y1, x2, y2)`` coordinates for multiple lines. width (int, optional): The width of the line(s) in pixels. Defaults to 1 if not specified. """ if width < 1: raise ValueError("width must be greater than 0") color = prepare_color(color, target) rtarget = _get_target_surface(target) # If first item is iterable, assume multiple lines in (x1, y1, x2, y2) form if isiterable(dline[0]): flattened = [] for line in dline: flattened += list(line) dline = flattened # line: (x1, y1, x2, y2) OR (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) if (len(dline) % 4) != 0: raise ValueError("line does not contain a valid set of points") pcount = len(dline) SDLRect = rect.SDL_Rect fillrect = surface.SDL_FillRect pitch = rtarget.pitch bpp = rtarget.format.contents.BytesPerPixel frac = pitch / bpp clip_rect = rtarget.clip_rect left, right = clip_rect.x, clip_rect.x + clip_rect.w - 1 top, bottom = clip_rect.y, clip_rect.y + clip_rect.h - 1 if bpp == 3: raise UnsupportedError("24bpp surfaces are not currently supported.") if bpp == 1: pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8)) elif bpp == 2: pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16)) elif bpp == 4: pxbuf = ctypes.cast(rtarget.pixels, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)) else: pxbuf = rtarget.pixels # byte-wise access. for idx in range(0, pcount, 4): x1, y1, x2, y2 = dline[idx:idx + 4] if x1 == x2: # Vertical line if y1 < y2: varea = SDLRect(x1 - width // 2, y1, width, y2 - y1) else: varea = SDLRect(x1 - width // 2, y2, width, y1 - y2) fillrect(rtarget, varea, color) continue if y1 == y2: # Horizontal line if x1 < x2: varea = SDLRect(x1, y1 - width // 2, x2 - x1, width) else: varea = SDLRect(x2, y1 - width // 2, x1 - x2, width) fillrect(rtarget, varea, color) continue if width != 1: raise ValueError("Diagonal lines must have a width of 1.") if width == 1: # Bresenham x1, y1, x2, y2 = clipline(left, top, right, bottom, x1, y1, x2, y2) x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2) if x1 is None: # not to be drawn continue dx = abs(x2 - x1) dy = -abs(y2 - y1) err = dx + dy sx, sy = 1, 1 if x1 > x2: sx = -sx if y1 > y2: sy = -sy while True: pxbuf[int(y1 * frac + x1)] = color if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2: break e2 = err * 2 if e2 > dy: err += dy x1 += sx if e2 < dx: err += dx y1 += sy