Source code for sdl2.ext.compat

import sys
import warnings
	from import Callable, Iterable
except ImportError:
	from collections import Callable, Iterable

__all__ = ["ISPYTHON2", "ISPYTHON3", "utf8", "stringify", "byteify",
           "isiterable", "platform_is_64bit", "deprecated", "deprecation",
           "UnsupportedError", "ExperimentalWarning", "experimental",


if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    ISPYTHON2 = True
    __all__ += ["long", "unichr", "callable", "unicode"]
    ISPYTHON3 = True
    long = int
    unichr = chr
    callable = lambda x: isinstance(x, Callable)
    unicode = str

def _to_unicode(x, enc):
    if ISPYTHON2:
        if type(x) in (str, bytes):
            return x.decode(enc)
            return unicode(x)
        if type(x) == bytes:
            return x.decode(enc)
            return str(x)

def _is_text(x):
    return isinstance(x, (str, bytes, unicode))

[docs]def utf8(x): """Converts input to a unicode string in a Python 2/3 agnostic manner. If a :obj:`bytes` object is passed, it will be decoded as UTF-8. This function returns :obj:`unicode` for Python 2 and :obj:`str` for Python 3. Args: x: Input to convert to a unicode string. Returns: :obj:`str` on Python 3.x, or :obj:`unicode` on Python 2.7. """ return _to_unicode(x, 'utf-8')
[docs]def stringify(x, enc='utf-8'): """Converts input to a :obj:`str` in a Python 2/3 agnostic manner. If the input is :obj:`unicode` and the Python version is 2.7, the ``enc`` parameter indicates the encoding to use when converting the input to a non-unicode string. If the input is :obj:`bytes` and the Python version is 3.x, the ``enc`` parameter indicates the encoding to use to decode the input into a unicode string. Args: x: Input to convert to a :obj:`str`. enc (str, optional): The encoding type used to encode or decode the input, depending on the input type and the major Python version. Defaults to UTF-8. """ if ISPYTHON2: if type(x) == unicode: return x.encode(enc) else: return str(x) else: return _to_unicode(x, enc)
[docs]def byteify(x, enc='utf-8'): """Converts input to :obj:`bytes` in a Python 2/3 agnostic manner. If the input is a unicode string, the ``enc`` parameter indicates the encoding to use when encoding the input to :obj:`bytes`. Args: x: Input to convert to :obj:`bytes`. enc (str, optional): The encoding type used to encode any unicode string input. Defaults to UTF-8. """ unicode_str = unicode if ISPYTHON2 else str if type(x) == unicode_str: return x.encode(enc) else: return bytes(x)
[docs]def isiterable(x): """Checks whether the input is a non-string iterable. Args: x: The object to check for iterability. Returns: bool: True if the input is a valid iterable, otherwise False. """ return hasattr(x, "__iter__") and not hasattr(x, "upper")
[docs]def platform_is_64bit(): """Checks whether the Python interpreter is 64-bit. Returns: bool: True if running on 64-bit Python, otherwise False. """ return sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32
def deprecated(func): # A simple decorator to mark functions and methods as deprecated def wrapper(*fargs, **kw): warnings.warn("%s is deprecated." % func.__name__, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*fargs, **kw) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ wrapper.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return wrapper def deprecation(message): # Prints a deprecation message warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) class UnsupportedError(RuntimeError): # Indicates that a certain class, function or behaviour is not supported pass class ExperimentalWarning(Warning): # Indicates that a certain class, function or behaviour is experimental def __init__(self, obj, msg=None): """Creates a ExperimentalWarning for the specified obj. If a message is passed in msg, it will be printed instead of the default message. """ super(ExperimentalWarning, self).__init__() self.obj = obj self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.msg is None: return "%s is in an experimental state." % repr(self.obj) return repr(self.msg) def experimental(func): # A simple decorator to mark functions and methods as experimental def wrapper(*fargs, **kw): warnings.warn("%s" % func.__name__, category=ExperimentalWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*fargs, **kw) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ wrapper.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return wrapper