import os
from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, c_int, c_char_p
from ctypes import POINTER as _P
from .dll import DLL, SDLFunc, AttributeDict
from .version import SDL_version, SDL_VERSIONNUM
from .surface import SDL_Surface
from .rwops import SDL_RWops
from .render import SDL_Texture, SDL_Renderer
from .error import SDL_SetError, SDL_GetError
__all__ = [
# Defines
# Enums
# Macro Functions
# Function Aliases
"IMG_GetError", "IMG_SetError",
# Python Functions
dll = DLL(
"SDL2_image", ["SDL2_image", "SDL2_image-2.0"], os.getenv("PYSDL2_DLL_PATH")
except RuntimeError as exc:
raise ImportError(exc)
def get_dll_file():
"""Gets the file name of the loaded SDL2_image library."""
return dll.libfile
_bind = dll.bind_function
# Constants, enums, type definitions, and macros
IMG_InitFlags = c_int
IMG_INIT_JPG = 0x00000001
IMG_INIT_PNG = 0x00000002
IMG_INIT_TIF = 0x00000004
IMG_INIT_WEBP = 0x00000008
IMG_INIT_JXL = 0x00000010
IMG_INIT_AVIF = 0x00000020
[docs]class IMG_Animation(Structure):
"""A structure containing the frame data for an animation.
When working with this data structure in Python, you need to be careful not
to access an out-of-range frame or delay number to avoid illegal memory
access problems. To convert the animation data to a more Pythonic format,
you can do something similar to the example below::
# Load animation and verify it loaded correctly
anim = sdlimage.IMG_LoadAnimation("test.gif").contents
if not anim:
err = sdlimage.IMG_GetError()
raise RuntimeError(err.encode("utf-8"))
# Load frames/delays from the IMG_Animation structure to lists
frames = []
delays = []
for frame in range(anim.count):
Note that even if you copy the frame surfaces into a Python list, the
pixel data will still be stored within the animation object. As such, you
cannot call :func:`IMG_FreeAnimation` on an object until you are fully
done with its data.
w (int): The width (in pixels) of the animation.
h (int): The height (in pixels) of the animation.
count (int): The number of frames in the animation.
frames (POINTER(POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`))): An array of pointers
(of length ``count``) to the SDL surfaces for the frames of the
delays (POINTER(int)): An array (of length ``count``) containing the
delays (in milliseconds) between each frame in the animation.
_fields_ = [
("w", c_int),
("h", c_int),
("count", c_int),
("frames", POINTER(POINTER(SDL_Surface))),
("delays", POINTER(c_int)),
# Raw ctypes function definitions
_funcdefs = [
SDLFunc("IMG_Linked_Version", None, _P(SDL_version)),
SDLFunc("IMG_Init", [c_int], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTyped_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops), c_int, c_char_p], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_Load", [c_char_p], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_Load_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops), c_int], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTexture", [_P(SDL_Renderer), c_char_p], _P(SDL_Texture)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTexture_RW", [_P(SDL_Renderer), _P(SDL_RWops), c_int], _P(SDL_Texture)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW", [_P(SDL_Renderer), _P(SDL_RWops), c_int, c_char_p], _P(SDL_Texture)),
SDLFunc("IMG_isAVIF", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int, added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_isICO", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isCUR", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isBMP", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isGIF", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isJPG", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isJXL", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int, added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_isLBM", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isPCX", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isPNG", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isPNM", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isSVG", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int, added='2.0.2'),
SDLFunc("IMG_isQOI", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int, added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_isTIF", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isXCF", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isXPM", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isXV", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_isWEBP", [_P(SDL_RWops)], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadAVIF_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadICO_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadCUR_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadBMP_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadGIF_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadJPG_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadJXL_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadLBM_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadPCX_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadPNG_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadPNM_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadSVG_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.0.2'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadQOI_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTGA_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadTIF_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadXCF_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadXPM_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadXV_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadWEBP_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops), c_int, c_int], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_ReadXPMFromArray", [_P(c_char_p)], _P(SDL_Surface)),
SDLFunc("IMG_ReadXPMFromArrayToRGB888", [_P(c_char_p)], _P(SDL_Surface), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_SaveJPG", [_P(SDL_Surface), c_char_p, c_int], c_int, added='2.0.2'),
SDLFunc("IMG_SaveJPG_RW", [_P(SDL_Surface), _P(SDL_RWops), c_int, c_int], c_int, added='2.0.2'),
SDLFunc("IMG_SavePNG", [_P(SDL_Surface), c_char_p], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_SavePNG_RW", [_P(SDL_Surface), _P(SDL_RWops), c_int], c_int),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadAnimation", [c_char_p], _P(IMG_Animation), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadAnimation_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops), c_int], _P(IMG_Animation), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadAnimationTyped_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops), c_int, c_char_p], _P(IMG_Animation), added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_FreeAnimation", [_P(IMG_Animation)], added='2.6.0'),
SDLFunc("IMG_LoadGIFAnimation_RW", [_P(SDL_RWops)], _P(IMG_Animation), added='2.6.0'),
_ctypes = AttributeDict()
for f in _funcdefs:
_ctypes[] = _bind(, f.args, f.returns, f.added)
__all__.append( # Add all bound functions to module namespace
# Python wrapper functions
[docs]def IMG_Linked_Version():
"""Gets the version of the dynamically-linked **SDL_image** library.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_version`): A pointer to a structure containing the
version of the SDL_image library currently in use.
return _ctypes.IMG_Linked_Version()
[docs]def IMG_Init(flags):
"""Initializes the SDL_image library.
Calling this function enables support for the JPEG, PNG, TIF, WebP, JPEG XL,
and/or AVIF image formats as requested by the init flags. All other image
formats can be loaded or used regardless of whether this has been called.
The following init flags are supported:
======= ================= ======
Format Init flag Since
======= ================= ======
PNG ``IMG_INIT_PNG`` 2.0.0
WebP ``IMG_INIT_WEBP`` 2.0.0
======= ================= ======
This can be called multiple times to enable support for these formats
separately, or can initialize multiple formats at once by passing a set of
flags as a bitwise OR. You can also call this function with 0 as a flag
to check which image libraries have already been loaded, or to test
whether a given image format is available on the current system::
# Initialize JPEG and PNG support separately
for flag in [IMG_INIT_JPG, IMG_INIT_PNG]:
err = IMG_GetError() # check for any errors loading library
if len(err):
# Initialize JPEG and PNG support at the same time
if IMG_Init(0) != flags: # verify both libraries loaded properly
.. note:: AVIF and JPEG XL support are not included in the official
SDL_image binaries, and are likewise not enabled on most Linux
flags (int): A bitwise OR'd set of the flags of the image formats to
load support for.
int: A bitmask of all the currently initialized image loaders.
return _ctypes["IMG_Init"](flags)
[docs]def IMG_Quit():
"""De-initializes the SDL_image library.
Calling this function disables JPEG, PNG, TIF, and WEBP support and frees
all associated memory. Once this has been called, you can re-initialize
support for those image formats using :func:`IMG_Init` and the corresponding
init flags.
You only need to call this function once, no matter how many times
:func:`IMG_Init` was called.
return _ctypes["IMG_Quit"]()
[docs]def IMG_LoadTyped_RW(src, freesrc, type):
"""Loads an image file from an SDL file object as a specific format.
This function allows you to explicitly specify the format type of the image
to load. Here are the different possible image format strings:
============= ===========================
Format String Format Type
============= ===========================
b"TGA" TrueVision Targa
b"CUR" Windows Cursor
b"ICO" Windows Icon
b"BMP" Windows Bitmap
b"GIF" Graphics Interchange Format
b"LBM" Interleaved Bitmap
b"PCX" IBM PC Paintbrush
b"PNG" Portable Network Graphics
b"PNM" Portable Anymap
b"SVG" Scalable Vector Graphics
b"TIF" Tagged Image File Format
b"XCF" GIMP native format
b"XPM" X11 Pixmap
b"XV" XV Thumbnail
b"WEBP" WebP
b"QOI" Quite OK Image
b"AVIF" AV1 Image File Format
============= ===========================
Note that loading QOI, JXL, and AVIF images requires SDL_image 2.6.0 or
newer. See :func:`IMG_Load` for more information.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the image.
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
type (bytes): A bytestring indicating the image format with which the
file object should be loaded.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to the new surface containing the
image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTyped_RW"](src, freesrc, type)
[docs]def IMG_Load(file):
"""Loads an image file to a new surface.
This can load all supported image files, including TGA as long as the
filename ends with ".tga".
It is best to call this outside of event loops and keep the loaded
images around until you are really done with them, as disk speed and
image conversion to a surface can be slow.
Once you are done with a loaded image, you can call :func:`SDL_FreeSurface`
on the returned surface pointer to free up the memory associated with it.
If the image format supports a transparent pixel, SDL_image will set the
colorkey for the surface. You can enable RLE acceleration on the surface
afterwards by calling::
SDL_SetColorKey(image, SDL_RLEACCEL, image.contents.format.colorkey)
.. note::
If the loader for the image's format requires initialization (e.g. PNG)
and it is not already initialized, this function will attempt to load
it automatically.
file (bytes): A UTF8-encoded bytestring containing the path to the
image file to load.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to the new surface containing the
image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_Load"](file)
[docs]def IMG_Load_RW(src, freesrc):
"""Loads an image file from an SDL file object to a new surface.
This can load all supported formats, *except* TGA. See :func:`IMG_Load`
for more information.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the image.
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to the new surface containing the
image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_Load_RW"](src, freesrc)
[docs]def IMG_LoadTexture(renderer, file):
"""Loads an image file to a new texture using a given renderer.
This function can load all supported image files, including TGA as long as
the filename ends with ".tga".
It is best to call this outside of event loops and keep the loaded
images around until you are really done with them, as disk speed and
image conversion to a texture can be slow.
Once you are done with a loaded image, you can call
:func:`SDL_DestroyTexture` on the returned texture pointer to free up the
memory associated with it.
.. note::
If the image loader for the format of the given image requires
initialization (e.g. PNG) and it is not already initialized, this
function will attempt to load it automatically.
renderer (:obj:`SDL_Renderer`): The SDL rendering context with which to
create the texture.
file (bytes): A UTF8-encoded bytestring containing the path to the
image file to load.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Texture`): A pointer to the new texture containing
the image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTexture"](renderer, file)
[docs]def IMG_LoadTexture_RW(renderer, src, freesrc):
"""Loads an image from a file object to a texture using a given renderer.
This function can load all supported formats, *except* TGA. See
:func:`IMG_LoadTexture` for more information.
renderer (:obj:`SDL_Renderer`): The SDL rendering context with which to
create the texture.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the image.
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Texture`): A pointer to the new texture containing
the image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTexture_RW"](renderer, src, freesrc)
[docs]def IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW(renderer, src, freesrc, type):
"""Loads an image file from a file object to a texture as a specific format.
This function allows you to explicitly specify the format type of the image
to load. The different possible format strings are listed in the
documentation for :func:`IMG_LoadTyped_RW`.
See :func:`IMG_LoadTexture` for more information.
renderer (:obj:`SDL_Renderer`): The SDL rendering context with which to
create the texture.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the image.
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
type (bytes): A bytestring indicating the image format with which the
file object should be loaded.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Texture`): A pointer to the new texture containing
the image, or a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTextureTyped_RW"](renderer, src, freesrc, type)
[docs]def IMG_isAVIF(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an AVIF image.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if AVIFs are supported and file is a valid AVIF, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isAVIF"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isICO(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an ICO (Windows icon) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if BMPs are supported and file is a valid ICO, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isICO"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isCUR(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a CUR (Windows cursor) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if BMPs are supported and file is a valid CUR, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isCUR"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isBMP(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a BMP (Windows bitmap) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if BMPs are supported and file is a valid BMP, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isBMP"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isGIF(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a GIF image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if GIFs are supported and file is a valid GIF, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isGIF"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isJPG(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a JPEG image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if JPEGs are supported and file is a valid JPEG, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isJPG"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isJXL(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a JPEG XL image.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if JPEG XL is supported and file is a valid JXL, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isJXL"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isLBM(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an LBM (Interleaved Bitmap) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if LBMs are supported and file is a valid LBM, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isLBM"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isPCX(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a PCX (IBM PC Paintbrush) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if PCXs are supported and file is a valid PCX, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isPCX"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isPNG(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a PNG image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if PNGs are supported and file is a valid PNG, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isPNG"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isPNM(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a PNM (Portable Anymap) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if PNMs are supported and file is a valid PNM, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isPNM"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isSVG(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an SVG image.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.0.2`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if SVGs are supported and file is a valid SVG, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isSVG"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isQOI(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a QOI image.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if QOI is supported and file is a valid QOI, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isQOI"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isTIF(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a TIFF image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if TIFFs are supported and file is a valid TIFF, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isTIF"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isXCF(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an XCF (native GIMP format) image.
.. note:: XCF support is currently missing in official macOS binaries
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if XCFs are supported and file is a valid XCF, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isXCF"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isXPM(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an XPM (X11 Pixmap) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if XPMs are supported and file is a valid XPM, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isXPM"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isXV(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains an XV (XV Visual Schnauzer) image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if XVs are supported and file is a valid XV, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isXV"](src)
[docs]def IMG_isWEBP(src):
"""Tests whether a file object contains a WebP image.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object to check.
int: 1 if WebPs are supported and file is a valid WebP, otherwise 0.
return _ctypes["IMG_isWEBP"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadAVIF_RW(src):
"""Loads an AVIF image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the AVIF.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadAVIF_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadICO_RW(src):
"""Loads an ICO (Windows icon) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the ICO.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadICO_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadCUR_RW(src):
"""Loads a CUR (Windows cursor) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the CUR.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadCUR_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadBMP_RW(src):
"""Loads a BMP (Windows bitmap) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the BMP.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadBMP_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadGIF_RW(src):
"""Loads a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the GIF.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadGIF_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadJPG_RW(src):
"""Loads a JPEG image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the JPEG.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadJPG_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadJXL_RW(src):
"""Loads a JPEG XL image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the JPEG XL.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadJXL_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadLBM_RW(src):
"""Loads an LBM (Interleaved Bitmap) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the LBM.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadLBM_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadPCX_RW(src):
"""Loads a PCX (IBM PC Paintbrush) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the PCX.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadPCX_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadPNG_RW(src):
"""Loads a PNG image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the PNG.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadPNG_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadPNM_RW(src):
"""Loads a PNM (Portable Anymap) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the PNM.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadPNM_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadSVG_RW(src):
"""Loads an SVG image from an SDL file object.
Note that this function only loads SVGs at their self-reported resolutions.
To load an SVG at an arbitrary resolution, see :func:`IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW`.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.0.2`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the SVG.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadSVG_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadQOI_RW(src):
"""Loads a QOI image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the QOI.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadQOI_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadTGA_RW(src):
"""Loads a TGA (TrueVision Targa) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the TGA.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTGA_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadTIF_RW(src):
"""Loads a TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the TIFF.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadTIF_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadXCF_RW(src):
"""Loads an TIFF (native GIMP format) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the XCF.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadXCF_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadXPM_RW(src):
"""Loads an XPM (X11 Pixmap) image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the XPM.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadXPM_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadXV_RW(src):
"""Loads an XV thumbnail (XV Visual Schnauzer) from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the XV.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadXV_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadWEBP_RW(src):
"""Loads a WebP image from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the WebP.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadWEBP_RW"](src)
[docs]def IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW(src, width, height):
"""Loads an SVG image at a given size from an SDL file object.
Use the :func:`IMG_GetError` function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the SVG.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadSizedSVG_RW"](src, width, height)
[docs]def IMG_ReadXPMFromArray(xpm):
"""Loads an X11 Pixmap from an array to a new surface.
The XPM format consists of a C header with an array of strings defining the
dimensions, colors, and pixels of a pixel art image: this is the data format
that this function expects to be passed.
The input string for this function must be cast to a ``ctypes.c_char_p``
(pointer to a character array) and passed by reference using
Note that this function will return an 8-bit indexed (palette) surface when
possible. To obtain a 32-bit RGB surface from an XPM array, use the
:func:`IMG_ReadXPMFromArrayToRGB888` function.
xpm (byref(:obj:`ctypes.c_char_p`)): A pointer to a ctypes string
defining an XPM image.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_ReadXPMFromArray"](xpm)
[docs]def IMG_ReadXPMFromArrayToRGB888(xpm):
"""Loads an X11 Pixmap from an array to a new 32-bit surface.
This function is the same as :func:`IMG_ReadXPMFromArray` except that it
always returns a 32-bit ARGB surface.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
xpm (byref(:obj:`ctypes.c_char_p`)): A pointer to a ctypes string
defining an XPM image.
POINTER(:obj:`SDL_Surface`): A pointer to a new surface containing the
image, or ``None`` if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_ReadXPMFromArrayToRGB888"](xpm)
[docs]def IMG_SavePNG(surface, file):
"""Saves an SDL surface to a PNG file.
.. note::
This should work regardless of whether PNG support was
successfully initialized with :func:`IMG_Init`, but the full set
of PNG features may not be available.
surface (:obj:`SDL_Surface`): The surface to be saved to PNG.
file (bytes): A UTF-8 encoded bytestring containing the path at which
to save the PNG.
int: 0 on success or a negative error code on failure, can call
:func:`IMG_GetError` for more information.
return _ctypes["IMG_SavePNG"](surface, file)
[docs]def IMG_SavePNG_RW(surface, dst, freedst):
"""Saves an SDL surface to a file object containing a PNG.
See :func:`IMG_SavePNG` for more information.
surface (:obj:`SDL_Surface`): The surface to be saved to PNG.
dst (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The destination file object for the saved PNG.
freedst (int): If non-zero, the destination file object will be closed
once the PNG has been written.
int: 0 on success or a negative error code on failure, can call
:func:`IMG_GetError` for more information.
return _ctypes["IMG_SavePNG_RW"](surface, dst, freedst)
[docs]def IMG_SaveJPG(surface, file, quality):
"""Saves an SDL surface to a JPEG file at a given quality.
JPEG support must be already initialized using :func:`IMG_Init` before this
function can be used. Otherwise, this function will fail without an explicit
error that can be retrieved with :func:`IMG_GetError`.
.. note::
JPEG saving was not supported in the official macOS binaries
until SDL_image 2.6.0.
surface (:obj:`SDL_Surface`): The surface to be saved to JPEG.
file (bytes): A UTF-8 encoded bytestring containing the path at which
to save the PNG.
quality (int): The compression level of the saved JPEG, from 1
(lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).
int: 0 on success or a negative error code on failure, can call
:func:`IMG_GetError` for more information.
# NOTE: Not available in official macOS binaries
return _ctypes["IMG_SaveJPG"](surface, file, quality)
[docs]def IMG_SaveJPG_RW(surface, dst, freedst, quality):
"""Saves an SDL surface to a file object containing a JPEG.
.. note::
As of SDL_image 2.0.5, JPEG saving is not supported by the official macOS binaries.
surface (:obj:`SDL_Surface`): The surface to be saved to JPEG.
file (bytes): A UTF-8 encoded bytestring containing the path at which
to save the PNG.
quality (int): The compression level of the saved JPEG, from 1
(lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).
int: 0 on success or a negative error code on failure, can call
:func:`IMG_GetError` for more information.
# NOTE: Not available in official macOS binaries
return _ctypes["IMG_SaveJPG_RW"](surface, dst, freedst, quality)
[docs]def IMG_LoadAnimation(file):
"""Loads an animated image from a file.
For more information on how to work with imported animations, see the
:class:`IMG_Animation` documentation. As of SDL_image 2.6.0, this currently
only supports GIF animations.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
file (bytes): A UTF8-encoded bytestring containing the path to the
animation file to load.
POINTER(:obj:`IMG_Animation`): A pointer to an animation object, or a
null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadAnimation"](file)
[docs]def IMG_LoadAnimation_RW(src, freesrc):
"""Loads an animated image from an SDL file object.
For more information on how to work with imported animations, see the
:class:`IMG_Animation` documentation. As of SDL_image 2.6.0, this currently
only supports GIF animations.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
POINTER(:obj:`IMG_Animation`): A pointer to an animation object, or a
null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadAnimation_RW"](src, freesrc)
[docs]def IMG_LoadAnimationTyped_RW(src, freesrc, type):
"""Loads an animated image from an SDL file object as a specific format.
For more information on how to work with imported animations, see the
:class:`IMG_Animation` documentation. As of SDL_image 2.6.0, the only
supported animation type is ``b'GIF'``.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the
freesrc (int): If non-zero, the input file object will be closed and
freed after it has been read.
type (bytes): A bytestring indicating the animation format with which
the file object should be loaded.
POINTER(:obj:`IMG_Animation`): A pointer to an animation object, or a
null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadAnimationTyped_RW"](src, freesrc, type)
[docs]def IMG_FreeAnimation(anim):
"""Closes and frees the memory associated with a given animation.
This function should be called on an animation after you are done with it.
An :obj:`IMG_Animation` and its frame data cannot be used after it has been
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
anim (:obj:`IMG_Animation`): The animation object to close.
return _ctypes["IMG_FreeAnimation"](anim)
[docs]def IMG_LoadGIFAnimation_RW(src):
"""Loads a GIF animation from an SDL file object.
For more information on how to work with imported animations, see the
:class:`IMG_Animation` documentation. Use the :func:`IMG_GetError`
function to check for any errors.
`Note: Added in SDL_image 2.6.0`
src (:obj:`SDL_RWops`): The file object from which to load the GIF.
POINTER(:obj:`IMG_Animation`): A pointer to an animation object, or a
a null pointer if there was an error.
return _ctypes["IMG_LoadGIFAnimation_RW"](src)
IMG_SetError = SDL_SetError
IMG_GetError = SDL_GetError