Source code for

"""General purpose event handling routines"""
from .compat import *

__all__ = ["EventHandler", "MPEventHandler"]

_HASMP = True
    from multiprocessing import Pool
except ImportError:
    _HASMP = False

[docs]class EventHandler(object): """A simple event handling class, which manages callbacks to be executed. """ def __init__(self, sender): self.callbacks = [] self.sender = sender
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): """Executes all callbacks. Executes all connected callbacks in the order of addition, passing the sender of the EventHandler as first argument and the optional args as second, third, ... argument to them. """ return [callback(self.sender, *args) for callback in self.callbacks]
def __iadd__(self, callback): """Adds a callback to the EventHandler.""" self.add(callback) return self def __isub__(self, callback): """Removes a callback from the EventHandler.""" self.remove(callback) return self def __len__(self): """Gets the amount of callbacks connected to the EventHandler.""" return len(self.callbacks) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.callbacks[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.callbacks[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): del self.callbacks[index]
[docs] def add(self, callback): """Adds a callback to the EventHandler.""" if not callable(callback): raise TypeError("callback mus be callable") self.callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def remove(self, callback): """Removes a callback from the EventHandler.""" self.callbacks.remove(callback)
def _mp_callback(args): # args = (function, sender, (args)) fargs = args[2] return args[0](args[1], *fargs)
[docs]class MPEventHandler(EventHandler): """An asynchronous event handling class in which callbacks are executed in parallel. It is the responsibility of the caller code to ensure that every object used maintains a consistent state. The MPEventHandler class will not apply any locks, synchronous state changes or anything else to the arguments being used. Consider it a "fire-and-forget" event handling strategy """ def __init__(self, sender, maxprocs=None): if not _HASMP: raise UnsupportedError("no multiprocessing support found") super(MPEventHandler, self).__init__(sender) self.maxprocs = maxprocs
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): if self.maxprocs is not None: pool = Pool(processes=self.maxprocs) else: pool = Pool() psize = len(self.callbacks) pv = zip(self.callbacks, [self.sender] * psize, [args[:]] * psize) results = pool.map_async(_mp_callback, pv) pool.close() pool.join() return results