Source code for sdl2.ext.common

import ctypes
from .. import SDL_Init, SDL_Quit, SDL_QuitSubSystem, SDL_WasInit, \
    SDL_INIT_VIDEO, error, events, timer

    from .. import sdlttf
except ImportError:
    _HASSDLTTF = False
    from .. import sdlimage
except ImportError:
    _HASSDLIMAGE = False

__all__ = ["SDLError", "init", "quit", "get_events", "TestEventProcessor"]

[docs]class SDLError(Exception): """An SDL2-specific exception class.""" def __init__(self, msg=None): """Creates a new SDLError instance with the specified message. If no msg is passed, it will try to get the current SDL2 error via :func:`sdl2.SDL_GetError`. """ super(SDLError, self).__init__() self.msg = msg if not msg: self.msg = error.SDL_GetError() error.SDL_ClearError() def __str__(self): return repr(self.msg)
def raise_sdl_err(desc=None): # Raises and clears the latest SDL error. For internal use. errmsg = error.SDL_GetError().decode('utf-8') error.SDL_ClearError() e = "Error encountered" if desc: e += " " + desc if len(errmsg): e += ": {0}".format(errmsg) raise SDLError(e)
[docs]def init(): """Initializes the SDL2 video subsystem. See :ref:`pygamers_pygame` for a comparison between this function and ``pygame.init()``. Raises: :exc:`SDLError`: If the SDL2 video subsystem cannot be initialized. """ # TODO: More subsystems? if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0: raise SDLError()
[docs]def quit(): """Quits the SDL2 video subysystem. If no other subsystems are active, this will also call :func:`sdl2.SDL_Quit`, :func:`sdlttf.TTF_Quit` and :func:`sdlimage.IMG_Quit`. """ # TODO: More subsystems? Also, is TTF_WasInit always 1? SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) if SDL_WasInit(0) != 0: if _HASSDLTTF and sdlttf.TTF_WasInit() > 0: sdlttf.TTF_Quit() if _HASSDLIMAGE: sdlimage.IMG_Quit() SDL_Quit()
[docs]def get_events(): """Gets all SDL events that are currently on the event queue. Returns: :obj:`List`: A list of all :obj:`~sdl2.SDL_Event` objects currently in the event queue. """ events.SDL_PumpEvents() evlist = [] SDL_PeepEvents = events.SDL_PeepEvents op = events.SDL_GETEVENT first = events.SDL_FIRSTEVENT last = events.SDL_LASTEVENT while True: evarray = (events.SDL_Event * 10)() ptr = ctypes.cast(evarray, ctypes.POINTER(events.SDL_Event)) ret = SDL_PeepEvents(ptr, 10, op, first, last) if ret <= 0: break evlist += list(evarray)[:ret] if ret < 10: break return evlist
[docs]class TestEventProcessor(object): """A simple event processor for testing purposes."""
[docs] def run(self, window): """Starts an event loop without actually processing any event. This method will run endlessly until an ``SDL_QUIT`` event occurs. Args: window (:obj:`sdl2.ext.Window`): The window within which to run the test event loop. """ event = events.SDL_Event() running = True while running: ret = events.SDL_PollEvent(ctypes.byref(event), 1) if ret == 1: if event.type == events.SDL_QUIT: running = False break window.refresh() timer.SDL_Delay(10)