Source code for sdl2.ext.sprite

import abc
from ctypes import byref, c_int

from .. import surface, rect, render
from ..stdinc import Uint32

from .common import SDLError
from .surface import subsurface

__all__ = ["Sprite", "SoftwareSprite", "TextureSprite"]

[docs]class Sprite(object): """A simple 2D object.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self): """Creates a new Sprite.""" super(Sprite, self).__init__() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.depth = 0 @property def position(self): """The top-left position of the Sprite as tuple.""" return self.x, self.y @position.setter def position(self, value): """The top-left position of the Sprite as tuple.""" self.x = value[0] self.y = value[1] @property @abc.abstractmethod def size(self): """The size of the Sprite as tuple.""" return @property def area(self): """The rectangular area occupied by the Sprite.""" w, h = self.size return (self.x, self.y, self.x + w, self.y + h)
[docs]class SoftwareSprite(Sprite): """A simple, visible, pixel-based 2D object using software buffers.""" def __init__(self, imgsurface, free): """Creates a new SoftwareSprite.""" super(SoftwareSprite, self).__init__() = free if isinstance(imgsurface, surface.SDL_Surface): self.surface = imgsurface elif "SDL_Surface" in str(type(imgsurface)): self.surface = imgsurface.contents else: raise TypeError("imgsurface must be an SDL_Surface") def __del__(self): """Releases the bound SDL_Surface, if it was created by the SoftwareSprite. """ imgsurface = getattr(self, "surface", None) if and imgsurface is not None: surface.SDL_FreeSurface(imgsurface) self.surface = None @property def size(self): """The size of the SoftwareSprite as tuple.""" return self.surface.w, self.surface.h
[docs] def subsprite(self, area): """Creates another SoftwareSprite from a part of the SoftwareSprite. The two sprites share pixel data, so if the parent sprite's surface is not managed by the sprite (free is False), you will need to keep it alive while the subsprite exists.""" ssurface = subsurface(self.surface, area) ssprite = SoftwareSprite(ssurface, True) # Keeps the parent surface alive until subsprite is freed if ssprite._parent = self return ssprite
def __repr__(self): return "SoftwareSprite(size=%s, bpp=%d)" % \ (self.size, self.surface.format.contents.BitsPerPixel)
[docs]class TextureSprite(Sprite): """A simple, visible, texture-based 2D object, using a renderer.""" def __init__(self, texture, free=True): """Creates a new TextureSprite.""" super(TextureSprite, self).__init__() self.texture = texture flags = Uint32() access = c_int() w = c_int() h = c_int() ret = render.SDL_QueryTexture(texture, byref(flags), byref(access), byref(w), byref(h)) if ret == -1: raise SDLError() = free self.angle = 0.0 self.flip = render.SDL_FLIP_NONE self._size = w.value, h.value self._center = None def __del__(self): """Releases the bound SDL_Texture.""" if if self.texture != None: render.SDL_DestroyTexture(self.texture) self.texture = None @property def center(self): """The center of the TextureSprite as tuple.""" return self._center @center.setter def center(self, value): """Sets the center of the TextureSprite.""" if value != None: self._center = rect.SDL_Point(value[0], value[1]) else: self._center = None @property def size(self): """The size of the TextureSprite as tuple.""" return self._size def __repr__(self): flags = Uint32() access = c_int() w = c_int() h = c_int() ret = render.SDL_QueryTexture(self.texture, byref(flags), byref(access), byref(w), byref(h)) if ret == -1: raise SDLError() if return "TextureSprite(format=%d, access=%d, size=%s, angle=%f, center=%s)" % \ (flags.value, access.value, (w.value, h.value), self.angle, (, else: return "TextureSprite(format=%d, access=%d, size=%s, angle=%f)" % \ (flags.value, access.value, (w.value, h.value), self.angle)