Source code for sdl2.ext.resources

import sys
import os
import re
import zipfile
import tarfile
import io

__all__ = ["open_zipfile", "open_tarfile", "open_url", "Resources"]

# Python 3.x workarounds for the changed urllib modules.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import urllib.parse as urlparse
    import urllib.request as urllib2
    import urlparse
    import urllib2

def _validate_path(path, what, write=False):
    fullpath = os.path.abspath(path)
    fname = os.path.basename(path)
    if write:
        parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fullpath, os.pardir))
        if not os.path.isdir(parent):
            e = "The given parent directory '{0}' does not exist"
            raise IOError(e.format(parent))
        if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
            e = "Could not find {0} at the given path: {1}"
            raise IOError(e.format(what, fullpath))
    return (fullpath, fname)

[docs]def open_zipfile(archive, filename, directory=None): """Retrieves a given file from a ZIP archive. Args: archive (:obj:`~zipfile.ZipFile`, str): The ZipFile object or path to the ZIP archive containing the desired file. filename (str): The name of the file to retrieve from the archive. directory (str, optional): The path to the directory within the archive containing the file to retrieve. Defaults to the root level of the archive. Returns: :obj:`~io.BytesIO`: A Python bytestream object containing the requested file. Raises: KeyError: If the given file could not be found within the archive. TypeError: If the archive is not a valid ZIP archive. """ data = None opened = False if not isinstance(archive, zipfile.ZipFile): if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive): raise TypeError("passed file does not seem to be a ZIP archive") else: archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'r') opened = True apath = filename if directory: apath = "%s/%s" % (directory, filename) try: dmpdata = data = io.BytesIO( finally: if opened: archive.close() return data
[docs]def open_tarfile(archive, filename, directory=None, ftype=None): """Retrieves a given file from a TAR archive. If the TAR archive uses ``.tar.gz`` or ``.tar.bz2`` compression and the file name does not contain either of these identifiers, the compression type must be manually specified. Args: archive (:obj:`~tarfile.TarFile`, str): The TarFile object or path to the TAR archive containing the desired file. filename (str): The name of the file to retrieve from the archive. directory (str, optional): The path to the directory within the archive containing the file to retrieve. Defaults to the root level of the archive. ftype (str, optional): The compression type (if any) used for the TAR file, can be either 'gz', 'bz2', or None (no compression). If not specified, will default to assuming no compression. Returns: :obj:`~io.BytesIO`: A Python bytestream object containing the requested file. Raises: KeyError: If the given file could not be found within the archive. TypeError: If the archive is not a supported TAR archive. """ data = None opened = False if not isinstance(archive, tarfile.TarFile): if not tarfile.is_tarfile(archive): raise TypeError("passed file does not seem to be a TAR archive") else: file_ext = archive.split('.')[-1] if not ftype and file_ext in ('gz', 'bz2'): ftype = file_ext if ftype and ftype not in ('gz', 'bz2'): e = "invalid TAR compression type '{0}' (must be 'gz' or 'bz2')" raise TypeError(e.format(ftype)) mode = 'r:{0}'.format(ftype) if ftype else 'r' archive =, mode) opened = True apath = filename if directory: apath = "%s/%s" % (directory, filename) try: dmpdata = archive.extractfile(apath) data = io.BytesIO( finally: if opened: archive.close() return data
def open_url(filename, basepath=None): # Opens and reads a certain file from a web or remote location. # Deprecated because its argument names are confusing and because # users are probably better off using urllib directly. url = filename if basepath: url = urlparse.urljoin(basepath, filename) return urllib2.urlopen(url)
[docs]class Resources(object): """A container class for managing application resource files. This class eases access to resources by allowing access using relative paths, scanning archives to locate files, and more. Args: path (str, optional): The path of a resource directory with which to initialze the container. Defaults to ``None``. subdir (str, optional): Deprecated, do not use. excludepattern (str, optional): A regular expression indicating which directories (if any) to ignore if initializing the container with a resource path. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__(self, path=None, subdir=None, excludepattern=None): self.files = {} if path: self.scan(path, subdir, excludepattern) def _scanzip(self, filename): """Scans the passed ZIP archive and indexes all the files contained by it. """ if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): raise TypeError("file '%s' is not a valid ZIP archive" % filename) archname = os.path.abspath(filename) zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') for path in zipf.namelist(): fname = os.path.split(path)[1] if fname: self.files[fname] = (archname, 'zip', path) zipf.close() def _scantar(self, filename, ftype=None): """Scans the passed TAR archive and indexes all the files contained by it. """ if not tarfile.is_tarfile(filename): raise TypeError("file '%s' is not a valid TAR archive" % filename) file_ext = filename.split('.')[-1] if not ftype and file_ext in ('gz', 'bz2'): ftype = file_ext if ftype and ftype not in ('gz', 'bz2'): e = "invalid TAR compression type '{0}' (must be 'gz' or 'bz2')" raise TypeError(e.format(ftype)) mode = 'r:{0}'.format(ftype) if ftype else 'r' archname = os.path.abspath(filename) archtype = 'tar' if ftype: archtype = 'tar%s' % ftype tar =, mode) for path in tar.getnames(): fname = os.path.split(path)[1] self.files[fname] = (archname, archtype, path) tar.close()
[docs] def add(self, filename): """Adds a file to the Resources container. If the given file is a supported archive, its contents will be scanned and added to the container. Args: filename (str): The filepath of the resource to add to the container. Raises: ValueError: If the file does not exist at the provided path. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ValueError("invalid file path") if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): self.add_archive(filename) elif tarfile.is_tarfile(filename): self.add_archive(filename, 'tar') else: self.add_file(filename)
[docs] def add_file(self, filename): """Adds a file without scanning to the Resources container. Unlike :meth:`add`, this method will not attempt to add the contents of any provided archives to the container. Args: filename (str): The filepath of the resource to add to the container. Raises: ValueError: If the file does not exist at the provided path. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ValueError("invalid file path") abspath = os.path.abspath(filename) fname = os.path.split(abspath)[1] if not fname: raise ValueError("invalid file path") self.files[fname] = (None, None, abspath)
[docs] def add_archive(self, filename, typehint='zip'): """Adds a ``.zip`` or ``.tar`` archive to the container. This will scan the passed archive and add its contents to the list of available resources. Currently ``.zip``, ``.tar``, ``.tar.bz2``, and ``.tar.gz`` formats are supported. Args: filename (str): The filepath of the archive to scan and add to the container. typehint (str, optional): The format of the archive to add to the container, required if using a custom file extension. Must be one of ``zip``, ``tar``, ``tarbz2``, or ``targz``. Defaults to ``zip`` if not specified. Raises: ValueError: If the file does not exist at the provided path, or if the file is not a supported archive type. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ValueError("invalid file path") fname = os.path.basename(filename) if 'zip' in fname.split('.'): self._scanzip(filename) elif 'tar' in fname.split('.'): self._scantar(filename) else: if typehint == 'zip': self._scanzip(filename) elif typehint == 'tar': self._scantar(filename) elif typehint == 'tarbz2': self._scantar(filename, 'bz2') elif typehint == 'targz': self._scantar(filename, 'gz') else: raise ValueError("unsupported archive type")
[docs] def get(self, filename): """Retrieves a resource file by name from the container. Args: filename (str): The file name of the resource to retrieve. Returns: :obj:`~io.BytesIO`: A Python bytestream object containing the retrieved resource file. Raises: KeyError: If the given file could not be found. """ archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename] if archive: if ftype == 'zip': return open_zipfile(archive, pathname) elif ftype == 'tar': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname) elif ftype == 'tarbz2': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='bz2') elif ftype == 'targz': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='gz') else: raise ValueError("unsupported archive type") dmpdata = open(pathname, 'rb') data = io.BytesIO( dmpdata.close() return data
def get_filelike(self, filename): # Deprecated, doesn't make much difference in Python 3 archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename] if archive: if ftype == 'zip': return open_zipfile(archive, pathname) elif ftype == 'tar': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname) elif ftype == 'tarbz2': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='bz2') elif ftype == 'targz': return open_tarfile(archive, pathname, ftype='gz') else: raise ValueError("unsupported archive type") return open(pathname, 'rb')
[docs] def get_path(self, filename): """Gets the path of a given resource file. If the file is only available within an archive, a string in the form ``filename@archivename`` will be returned. Args: filename (str): The file name of the resource to locate. Returns: str: The absolute path of the resource file, or the archive identifier string if the resource is inside an archive. Raises: KeyError: If the given file could not be found. """ archive, ftype, pathname = self.files[filename] if archive: return '%s@%s' % (pathname, archive) return pathname
[docs] def scan(self, path, subdir=None, excludepattern=None): """Scans a path, adding all matching files to the container. If a located file is a ``.zip`` or ``.tar`` archive, its contents will be indexed and added to the container automatically. Args: path (str): The path of the directory to scan. subdir (str, optional): Deprecated, do not use. excludepattern (str, optional): A regular expression indicating which directories (if any) within the file structure of the given path to exclude from indexing. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ValueError: If the specified path does not exist. """ match = None if excludepattern: match = re.compile(excludepattern).match join = os.path.join add = self.add abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.exists(abspath): raise ValueError("invalid path '%s'" % abspath) if not os.path.isdir(abspath): abspath = os.path.dirname(abspath) if subdir is not None: abspath = os.path.join(abspath, subdir) if not os.path.exists(abspath): raise ValueError("invalid path '%s'" % abspath) for (pdir, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(abspath): if match and match(pdir) is not None: continue for fname in filenames: add(join(pdir, fname))